Firm Newsletters
Show 1- 11, total: 11
06 Feb2025HIGHLIGHTS Significant Changes to Trade Mark Renewal Fees and Requirements in Libya Libya has introduced notable updates to its trade mark renewal fees and requirem...
31 Dec2024Latest Updates Malawi First to Ratify WIPO Treaty on IP, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge On 5 December 2024, Malawi became the first country to ratify the WIPO T...
05 Dec2024Highlights Sana’a, Yemen Trade Mark Office Resumes Renewals for Certain 'Blacklisted' Countries According to the Ministerial Decision No. 56...
12 Nov2024Highlights Lebanon IPO Suspends Deadlines Due to the escalating conflict in Lebanon, the Lebanese IPO has been facing significant operational challenges including s...
09 Jul2021Jurisdictional Update for Iraq(Kurdistan) and Gaza Iraq & Kurdistan Please be reminded that Iraq (Baghdad Registry) and Kurdistan (Erbil Registry) are independent trademark jurisdictions and sep...
11 Jan2021GCC Patent Office: Suspension of GCC patent filings JAH would like to advise its associates and clients that the GCC Supreme Council has approved the Amended Patent Law (Regulation) for Gulf Cooperat...
04 Sep2020Middle East Updates Lebanese IP Office Current Operations Lebanese IP office at the Minist...
03 May2020Updates May 3, 20. Qatar New Industrial Designs Law: Qatar has issued Law no...
20 Apr2020Updates April 19, 20. 19 April 2020 This is to advise you that Intel...
06 Apr2020Updates April 6, 20. Dear Colleagues, We wish to kindly keep you abreas...
30 Mar2020...