Firm Newsletters
Show 1- 20, total: 491
09 Oct2024The Russian government’s Ruling No 1278 published on September 27, 2024, set new rules for maintaining in force invention and utility model patents and increased the IP rights-related official f...
30 Sep2024I. [Taiwan] Accelerated Examination Program for Reexamination - One-year trial period of the Program starts on September 1, 2024 Starting from September 1, 2024, TIPO will accept requests fo...
We hope this message finds you well. We are now introducing practical legal information on our homepage which especially focuses on Court Decisions related to IP rights.
23 Sep20241. General Australia Incentive to File Prior to IP Australia Increasing Many Official Fees on 1st October 2024 IP Australia has now confirmed wide ranging official fee changes that will takes e...
业界新闻: 关于优先权恢复、优先权要求的增加或者改正的指引 Guidelines on Restoration, Addition or Rectification of Claim to Right of Priority 修改后的《中华...
業界ニュース: 優先権回復、優先権主張の追加または補正に関する手引き 改正後の《中華人民共和国専利法実施細則》では優先権回復、優先権...
04 Sep2024The Peruvian firm OMC Abogados & Consultores is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Paolo Orlandini as Director of International Business Development. It is worth mentioning that in additio...
业界新闻: 中国国家知识产权局调整部分专利收费标准和减缴政策 CNIPA Adjusting Some Patent Fee Standards and Payment Reduction Policies 近日,中国国家知识...
業界ニュース: 中国国家知識産権局が一部専利関連料金の徴収基準と減額政策を調整 中国国家知識産権局はこのほど、一部専利関連料金の徴収...
23 Aug2024
Trademark I. The Amended Guidelines on Hearing Procedures for Trademark Dispute Cases Effective on June 11, 2024  ...
业界新闻: 中国将首次举办AIPPI世界知识产权大会 China to Host AIPPI World Congress for the First Time 2024年AIPPI世界知识产权大会将于10月19日至22日在浙江...
業界ニュース: 中国で初のAIPPI国際総会開催へ 2024年AIPPI国際総会が10月19日~22日に浙江省杭州市で開催される。これは国際知的財産保護協会(A...
20 Jul2024We hope this message finds you well. We are now introducing practical legal information on our homepage which especially focuses on Court Decisions related to IP rights.
业界新闻: 中日韩知识产权合作十年愿景联合声明 Joint Statement on a 10 Year Vision for IP Cooperation among China, Japan and Korea 2024年5月27日,中华人民共和...
業界ニュース: 日中韓3か国知的財産協力の10年ビジョンに関する共同声明 2024年5月27日、日本、中華人民共和国および大韓民国の3首脳が、韓国...
I. [Taiwan] Determination of Evidence Eligibility on Patent Invalidity Examination by Taiwan’s IP Court - Grace Periods to Exceptions of Loss of Novelty or Inventive step The key point of th...
业界新闻: In this issue 中国国家知识产权局宣布加入专利审查高速路(PPH)改进倡议 CNIPA Announces Joining Patent Prosecution Highway Improvement Initiative ...
業界ニュース: 中国国家知識産権局が特許審査ハイウェイ(PPH)改善イニシアティブへの参加を表明 特許審査ハイウェイ(PPH)のユーザー体験...
22 May20241. Patents China China’s Revised Patents Implementing Regulations On 21st December 2023 China announced revised implementing regulations for its Patent Law following on from the amendment...