Malicious trademark registration is a pain in China over the years. It causes damages to other party’s legitimate rights and interests, increases pressure to the examination capacity of CNIPA an...
The applicants may face difficulties to register three-dimensional trademarks in China. According to the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)’s guide for trademark examina...
Although China adopts the principle of registration in trademark protection, it offers certain protection for prior used and unregistered marks in some circumstances. The China Trademark Law has gone ...
Before the amendment to the Chinese Trademark Law (2013), the China Trademark Office only accepted single-class trademark applications. However, after the implementation of the new law on May 1, 2014,...
In the procedures of trademark opposition and review of disapproval of trademark registration, the involved parties (e.g. the opponent and the opposed party) may reach a settlement, such as a trademar...
About six months ago the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) set a goal to shorten the average examination period of trademark registration applications to less than 4 months a...