Show 61- 80, total: 255
26 Oct2023Introduction In the world of advanced technology, machines have surpassed our expectations and demonstrated the capability for true creativity. A new class of artificial intelligence...
09 Oct2023INTRODUCTION It is a settled position of law that the prior user of a trademark takes precedence over the subsequent user of an identical or deceptively similar mark. Courts across the country have...
19 Sep2023Introduction In a Jimmy Fallon’s late-night show, he was harmonizing and singing with Sophia the Robot. That duet was a perfect piece of musical one would ever listen. And in another event an...
19 Sep2023INTRODUCTION AI i.e., Artificial Intelligence[i]is not particularly a novel concept. With AI, we are all very familiar. We refer to it as AI when a machine behaves in a human-like manner. AI is a s...
The Delhi High Court recently issued a decision on the phonetic similarity of trademarks in the case of Elyon Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. v. The Registrar of Trademarks. In this case, the appellant, Ely...
The High Court of Delhi, in a recent judgment dated August 23, 2023, adjudicated upon a trademark cancellation case initiated by M/S.RSPL Health Private Limited against Reckitt and Colman (Overseas) H...
31 Aug2023The legal landscape of patent regulations is undergoing a transformative phase with the introduction of the Draft Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2023 (“Draft Rules”). Patent applications and p...
26 Aug2023The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, the body responsible for administering Indian IP laws has, on August 22, 2023, published the D...
25 Aug2023INTRODUCTION Patents can be determined as the absolute right of an owner to utilize their discoveries and innovations till the expiry of patents. The patents must be fair, just, and lawful in natur...
On July 14, 2023, a Single Judge in the matter of The Polo/Lauren Company LP v. M/s Home Needs [CS(COMM)1722/2020] held that the Defendant’s marks/labels “POLOLIFETIME” / “Polo...
24 Aug2023On July 21, 2023, a Single Judge Bench, in the matter of Coty Germany GMBH v. Xeryus Retail Private Limited & Anr. [CS(COMM) 1298/2018 & I.A. 8603/2023] decreed the suit in favour of the Plain...
The Delhi High Court recently denied granting interim relief by way of injunction sought by TV 18 Broadcast Limited (“the plaintiff”) on the basis of its mark against Bennett, Colema...
18 Aug2023The role of specialized tribunals, such as the former Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) and current IP division/benches in several High Courts, play a pivotal role in resolving intellectual...
07 Aug2023Design piracy and recovery of damages after the expiration of suit design, a contentious issue, has come to the forefront in a recent case between TTK PRESTIGE LTD. vs GUPTA LIGHT HOUSE involving pres...
07 Aug2023INTRODUCTION Section 28 of The Trade Marks Act, 1999 confers an exclusive right to the use of a trademark to the registered proprietor, and Section 29 of The Trade Marks Act, 1999 describes when i...
28 Jul2023Introduction The issue of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and its impact on India’s agriculture sector has been a topic of concern in recent years. The revocation of PepsiCo’s Plant ...
25 Jul2023INTRODUCTION: Cinema is one of the most popular gateways of entertainment widespread all over the world. Even before the advent of globalization and technology and its consequent evolution to its ...
Patent is evidence of an invention protecting it through legal documentation and published for all to know. The effect of the grant of a patent is quid pro quo. Quid is the knowledge disclosed to the ...
05 Jul2023Geographical Indicators (GI) are seen as tools that help rural communities and support local businesses. GI-certified products provide consumers with information about their origin and method of produ...
14 Jun2023INTRODUCTION A copyright is a sort of IPR that grants its owner the sole authority to “reproduce, transmit, adapt, exhibit, and perform” a creative work, although it is for certain peri...